These websites I created, edited, and managed for various activities and publications. I used WordPress for all of these, most required re-branding and functionality changes, all required training others how to successfully manipulate the content.
[line] [img url=”” width=”50″ height=”200″][box width=”33″][h1]Red Riders Student Motorcycle Club[/h1]
This website is the official website for the club. It has multimedia functionality, can take membership dues with Google Checkout, and contains a calendar for upcoming rides. WordPress theme by WooThemes.[/box] [line] [img url=”” width=”50″ height=”200″]
[box width=”33″][h1]The KingfisherOnline[/h1]
This website is a companion piece to the yearly alumni publication The Kingfisher. The online version goes out to over 18,000 friends, family, and alumni of the College of Humanities at The University of Utah. WordPress theme by Press75.[/box] [line] [img url=”” width=”50″ height=”200″] [box width=”33″][h1]Newsbreak[/h1]
The official student news of the U of  U, building a website for Newsbreak presented a unique challenge in that the structure of the class was such that someone new would be editing the website every week. I had to create an easy way for them to manage their video content, as well as make it easy for them to understand how to upload and embed the videos and images every week. I used the Arras theme for this site, with the video plugin jwplayer. The students and faculty have successfully using the website now for an entire academic year, with few hiccups.[/box] [line] [box width=”80″][h1]Other Websites I’ve helped setup, build, or manage[/h1]
In addition to these website, I’ve had some hand in the design, content, or functionality of the following websites:
[li]College of Humanities homepage, and department pages - specifically stylesheets and content management [/li] [li]Ecology of Residency (theme by StudioMW) – content management, functionality[/li] [li]Robert D. Newman, content management, SEO, and updates[/li] [/box]